Drive RX Lift for Mature HIV Brand

  • Drive RX lift for mature infectious disease brand

  • Help HCPs identify patient types that would benefit from treatment

  • Provide HCPs with valuable disease-specific content that isn’t highly promotional
  • Drive interest and engagement utilizing proprietary Patient Care Insights™

  • Leverage well-known KOL and his individual patient cases to deliver disease-specific content to target HCPs

  • Deploy messaging through omnichannel plan utilizing digitals and direct mail channels


Patient Care InsightsTM
  • Drive education with patient-focused content leveraging well-known KOL’s credibility
  • Feature branded clinical content that includes patient cases, as well as KOL images, bios, and quotes pertaining specifically to brand
  • Utilize existing KOL video asset to optimize time to market and budget
  • Direct Mail: 8-page Patient Care Insights™ clinical direct mail newsletter.
Package includes envelope, BRC, and PI
  • Email: 4 unique email creatives using BioPharm-developed content and design, driving to microsite
  • Banners: 3 unbranded banner ads driving to campaign microsite
  • Microsite: Tailored core campaign content for the microsite to improve the user experience
  • Video: Hosted on microsite
  • Field Sales: Detail sales aid and print leave behind


Campaign exceeded forecasted engagement by more than 50%

  • Total engagements 2, 292
  • Total open rate for all emails ranging from 13.7% - 32.4%
  • Microsite average time on site = 1.4 minutes
  • Program success led to client extending the campaign to include additional refreshed content and expanded target audience
11.16% Lift
BioPharm Analysis
12:1 ROI
Client Analysis

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